School Philosophy

At Little Friends of Jesus Nursery School, we believe that human development can be stimulated, encouraged and motivated. For this development to be positive and enduring, children must be allowed to create and gather learning experiences at their unique rate of development, and to feel successful at learning without pressure. At Little Friends of Jesus, we provide a safe, clean, high quality child care facility offering a stimulating learning experience within a loving a caring atmosphere. Here the children can grow and develop because they feel known and loved. Here they can learn more about themselves, others, and the world.

We know how easily children feel the impact of the world around them, and so we are diligent in maintaining a stable atmosphere with efficient management, continual staff training and a strong dedication to the children. To meet this essential commitment to our children we:

  • Understand the power of our words and encourage the children to progress academically and emotionally through words of praise or encouragement when needed, or after a task or performance has been accomplished.
  • Seek the help of parents or guardians in the education of their children.
  • Use play to assist children in acquiring knowledge of their environment so they may have the opportunity to express and represent what they know or imagine.
  • Establish a partnership between parents and the school. This bond, coupled with the child’s participation and development in a loving and nurturing environment, will set the stage for growth.
  • Afford the children varied and meaningful experiences that enable them to develop emotionally, intellectually, and socially.