Pre-K2 (2 1/2 – 3 Yrs)

The Pre-K Curriculum

Our curriculum encompasses language skills, an understanding of math, literacy, computer skills, creative arts, science, religion, music and physical education. Children in the Pre-K level programs explore these concepts at their own pace. There are scheduled times for children to play independently as well as in group situations. Their development is assessed by observations, work samples and a report card.

Typically, children in this age group are demonstrating a large increase in their vocabulary and physical abilities, and our curriculum reflects these developments:

Literacy Skills: Exposure to the alphabet, including letter names and sounds; recognizing, spelling and writing of one’s first name; the building of new vocabulary and listening skills; strengthening of visual discrimination, developing new motor skills through play dough, writing utensils, legos, etc.

Creative Arts: Exploration of a variety of art processes, including painting, drawing, cutting, collage, etc.; use of a variety of art materials, including crayons, tempera paint, water color paint, colored pencils, markers, clay, etc.

Science Skills: Learning through experience based activities; making discoveries about themselves, the environment, animals and their homes, plants and growth, foods, their senses; exploring science and using tools such as magnets, prisms, magnifying glasses, etc.

Mathematical Skills: Introduction to numerals; classifying, observing size differences, recognizing shapes, creating sets and quantitative concepts, making one-to-one correspondence of objects, sorting and matching shapes and telling time.

[pullquote]Computer Skills: Experimenting through developmental programs: using a keyboard and mouse, playing educational games independently.[/pullquote]

Self-Help Skills: Developing the skills to care for one’s needs, including buttoning, tying shoes, zippering clothes, identifying expressions of feelings, giving age-appropriate assistance to teachers during classroom activities, feeding oneself, using hands and utensils, drinking from a cup, sitting at a table when eating and drinking, table setting; learning to rely on self more, etc.

Social Skills and Manners: Sharing and taking turns with activities and materials; clearly and safely expressing feelings and ideas, interacting with other children and different situations cooperatively and appropriately, practicing sharing with classmates, learning to be patient when waiting for a turn, learning to communicate verbally with teachers, classmates, etc.

Safety Skills: Resolving conflict with constructive verbal communication and negotiation: identifying unsafe actions, identifying and naming all body parts, understanding the difference between friends, family and strangers, learning and reciting identification information including name, address, phone number, asking permission before leaving an area with anyone, etc.

Communication Skills: Recognition of the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they represent, recognition of the numbers, describing a single object using color, shape, position and use.

Religion: Recognition and integration of each child’s spiritual nature within all aspects of the curriculum, the inclusion of age-appropriate prayers, singing and movement, participation in different holiday projects.

Music: Singing differing songs, moving rhythmically and creatively, playing musical and rhythm instruments.

The Pre-Kindergarten Program continued

As four-year-olds begin to experience a greater sense of who they are, and their curiosity expands to include more of who they will become, the Pre-Kindergarten Program emphasizes the children’s desire to make independent and wise choices for their good and the good of all. The children will learn and develop many concepts and skills with the guidance of their teachers and parents. These concepts and skills will include opposites, thinking skills, motor skills, beginning phonics; reading readiness, numbers and counting, visual discrimination, sizes, shapes, colors, rhymes and the alphabet. In addition, children will become involved in extracurricular academic activities, like music, computer skills, music, gym and dance lessons.